1. A 65 year old gentleman presents with
headache which is most common along the course of superficial temporal artery.
On palpation the temples are tender. The patient also complaints of transient
visual loss. Biopsy of the temporal artery would show:
a) Transmural
inflammation demonstrating neutrophils, mononuclear cells with fibrinoid
b) Necrotizing
granulomas rimmed by lymphocytes, plasma cells macrophages and giant cells
c) Granulomatous
inflammation with lymphocyte and multinucleate giant cells with fragmentation
of internal elastic lamina
d) Onion
skin, concentric, laminated thickening of the arterioles
e) Homogeneous
pink hyaline thickening with loss of underlying structural detail
2. C-ANCA is seen in
a) PAN
b) Wegners
c) Microscopic
d) Churg
strauss syndrome
e) Takayasu
3. Following component
has a pro coagulant effect:
a) Prostacyclin
b) Plasminogen
c) Plasminogen
activator inhibitor
d) Thrombomodulin
e) Heparin
like molecules
4. Use of lipid
lowering drugs (statins) and antiplatelet drugs in a patient suffering from ATH
and coronary artey disease is and example of:
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) Both
primary and secondary
e) Both
secondary and tertiary
5. The commonest vessel
involved in myocardial infarction is:
a) Right
coronary artery
b) Left
circumflex artery
c) Left
anterior descending artery
d) Posterior
descending artery
e) Left
interventricular artery
6. A 60 year old man
died secondary to coronary artery disease. At the time of autopsy marked
atherosclerotic changes were present within his coronary arteries. Section from
these abnormal areas revealed complicated atheroscelrotic plaques with
calcification and hemorrhage. Within these plaques were cellular zones composed
of smooth muscle cells and macrophages and a central core with foam cells and
cholesterol clefts. Which one the following substances promotes atherosclerosis
by stimulating smooth muscles cells to proliferate, phagocytize lipids and
excrete extracellular matrix material.
a) Alpha
b) Beta
transforming growth factor
c) Interleukin
d) Platelet
derived growth factor
e) Tumor
necrosis factor
7. A 30 year old
male smoker presents with gangrene of his extremities. Which one of the
following histologic findings from the biopsy of blood vessels supplying this
area would be most consistent with a diagnosis of Beurgers disease:
a) Granulomatous
inflammation with giant cells
b) Fibriniod
necrosis with overlying thrombosis
c) Focal
aneurysmal dilatation
d) Fragmentation
of neutrophils
e) Thrombosis
with micro abscesses
8. During a routine
physical examination a 67 year old man is found to have a 5 cm pulsatile mass
in his abdomen. Angiography reveals a marked dilatation of his aorta distal to
his renal arteries. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his
a) Atherosclerosis
b) A
congential defect
c) Hypertension
d) Trauma
e) A
previous syphilitic infection
9. A 56 year old man
presents with a sudden onset of excrutiating pain. He describes the pain
beginning in the anterior chest, radiatind to the back and then moving
downwards to the abdomen. His blood pressure is found to b 160/115 mm Hg
however no changes are seen on ECG. X ray abdomen shows a double barrel aorta.
Which of the following is basiuc cause of his abnormality:
a) A
microbial infection
b) Loss
of elastic tissue in the media
c) A
congential defect in the wall of aorta
d) Atherosclerosis
of the aorta
e) Abnormal
collagen synthesis
10. A known patient of
Stable Angina visits his cardiologist with the complaints of breathlessness and
tightness in chest at rest. He says these symptoms are progressively worsening.
What is the likely mechanism underlying his new development?
a) Dissolution
of atherosclerotic plaque
b) Fibrosis
in plaque
c) Vasoconstriction
d) Acute
plaque change
e) Aneurysm
development in plaque
11. Foam cells are formed
by phagocytosis of:
a) Free
fatty acids
b) Triglycerides
c) LDL
d) HDL
12. Plaque change
includes all of following except one, which?
a) Rupture
b) Fibrinoid
c) Thrombosis
d) Haemorrhage
e) Aneurysmal
13. A patient has
presented in ER with severe chest pain for the last 4
days. On examination he is breathless with
weak thready pulse. His ECG shows T wave inversion. Which of the following
cardiac enzymes will be diagnostic of myocardial infarction at this stage.
a) CPK
b) CK-MB
c) LDH
d) Troponin
e) AST
14. Injury after
myocardial ischemia is reversible for:
a) 01
b) 30
– 40 min
c) 10
– 20 min
d) 1
– 2 hrs
e) 01
15. Granulation
tissue appears after infarction on day:
a) 5
- 6
b) 1
- 3
c) 7
- 10
d) 12
- 15
e) After
15 days
16. Rheumatic
fever is caused by:
a) Streptococus
b) Streptococcus
c) Staphylococcus
d) Streptococcus
e) Staphylococcus
17. A 30 years old
heroin drug addict starts having fever with chills, weight loss and fatigue. On
investigations he is diagnosed to be suffering from infective endocarditis. The
most likely cause for his infection is:
a) Streptococus
b) Streptococcus
c) H
d) Streptococcus
e) Staphylococcus
18. The commonest site
for myxoma is:
a) Right
b) Inter
ventricular septum
c) Left
d) Left
e) Inter
ventricular septum
19. A 10 year boy is brought to the
physician for routine physical examination. The physician notes a 2 cm spongy
dull red circumscribed lesion on the upper left arm. The parents state that
this lesion has been present since infancy. On excision the lesion shows
dilated endothelial lined spaces filled with RBCs. Which of the following is
the likely diagnosis
a) Kaposi
b) Angiosarcoma
c) Lymphangioma
d) Telengiectasia
e) Hemangioma
22. A pharmaceutical company is developing an
anti atherosclerotic agent. An experiment investigates mechanism of actions of
several potential drugs to determine their efficacy in reducing atheroma
formation. Which of the following mechanism of action is likely to have the
most effective anti atherosclerotic effect:
a) Inhibits
the release of platelet derived growth factor(PDGF) and macrophage mediated
lipoprotein oxidation
b) Promotes
the release of PDGF and inhibits macrophage mediated lipoprotein oxidation
c) Inhibits
the release of PGDF and promotes macrophage mediated lipoprotein oxidation
d) Decreases
the level of HDL and inhibits macrophage mediated lipoprotein oxidation
e) Increases
the level of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and VCAM-1
23. Lipoprotein fraction which contains the
highest concentration of triacylglycerol is:
a) Chylomicron
b) Intermediate
density lipoprotein
c) High
density lipoprotein
d) Low
density lipoprotein
e) Very
low density lipoprotein
24. Which
one of the following is the one of the most common cause of death in young
a. Dilated
b. Restrictive
c. Hypertrophic
d. Amyloidosis
e. ASD
25. Nonbacterial
thrombotic endocarditis is most frequently associated with which of the
following conditions?
a) Terminal
neoplastic disease
b) Systemic
Lupus erythematosus (SLE)
c) Old
rheumatic endocarditis
d) Subdiaphragmatic
e) Congenital
Heart disease.
26. “Tree barking”
appearance of aorta is seen in:
a) Atherosclerosis
b) Inflammatory
aortic aneurysms
c) Syphilitic
d) Mycotic
e) Aortic
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